Revival in the Northwest. Are You Ready?

Revival is coming to the Pacific Northwest.  It is coming like a giant tsunami and will overtake new-age attitudes, spiritual lethargy, religion, the occult, and intellectualism.  It is time that the northwest is not just known for technology, ecology, the home of Starbucks, mountains, and beauty.  It is about to become the new Bible Belt!  How do I know that?  I know that because God is stirring hearts to pray for it, get in faith for it, preach about it,  get hungry for it, thirsty for it, and desperate for it, and those hearts will have it! This is why God has stirred my heart and others to open churches that teach faith, strong Bible doctrine, and the move of The Holy Spirit.  This is why evangelists and others of the five-fold ministry are being moved to come here and hold meetings, as never before.  It is time that we remember the prophecies and the seed sown by great men and women of God, such as John G. Lake, who had a great healing and miracle ministry in Washington and Oregon years ago.  

God delights in showing Himself strong and demonstrating His love, power, and blessings to a dry and thirsty land.  This area has been dry for far too long.  What happens when one spark falls on dry timber?  It’s time for a northwest forest fire of God’s glory to spread from Alaska and the Canadian border through California, and from the Pacific Ocean to the mountains of Wyoming and Montana!  It is time that we no longer hear of the liberal state that is the first to vote contrary to the Word of God.   We are tired of witches and new-age movie stars having headquarters in this beautiful state.  God wants His glory and goodness to sweep the northwestern states and the whole country like the waters cover the sea!  The mountains shall quake at His glory, the sea shall rise to sing His praise, and the valleys will be awakened to His sweet presence!  

It is time to be done with religion and only a form of Godliness, denying the power.  We haven’t come to have just another church, but a church with a difference, one that demonstrates His glory, and doesn't just talk about it.  We don’t want another meeting, but a true revival where people get born again, old things pass away, and all things become new.  People will know that God is in the house! They can come and be changed, have their needs met, experience healing and the miraculous realm, see their families restored, and leave differently than they came!  
I can see it coming on the horizon.  God has stirred me to have a yearly event called Northwest Ablaze.  We are inviting passionate men and women of God to join us and expect God to do the supernatural!  We are expecting the fire of the living God to consume everything that is not of Him and brand us with His touch, until we can never be the same.  He will cauterize wounds and pour in His healing balm until we are unrecognizable, and walk and talk like Jesus.  We will become stirred to win the lost at any cost!  He will visit us with His creative ideas and wisdom, until we know His strategy for revival across this land!  He is calling His body and His army to be activated for service in this hour as never before!  The time is short, everything is at stake!  Give me revival or give me death!  It’s time to pay the price to be used of Jesus in this last, great hour!  Who will join us in prayer, in service, in faith, finances, labor, and in battle?