Anticipating NW Ablaze!

We have an event coming up in just a few days, called Northwest Ablaze.  It will be combined with my celebration of twenty-five years in full- time ministry.  We have people coming in from all over the world, special guest speakers, an anointed worship leader who we have brought up from Florida, videos of my Alaskan ministry to the villages, the international ministry from forty nations, and more.  People are sending in testimonies, congratulations, and some are coming to give their testimonies in person.  You don’t want to miss this!  It will be epic!

I have a special anticipation as the time gets closer.  Yes, it will be wonderful to see friends and share memories.  We have excursions planned and great times of fellowship will be taking place.    I am looking forward to hearing the Word of God brought forth in great revelation and power.  We expect signs and wonders to follow the preaching of the Word.  We are anticipating people to be saved, healed, baptized in The Holy Spirit, delivered from bondage, refreshed, and receiving “joy unspeakable and full of glory”.  We have some of the greatest revivalists of our time speaking and sharing.  However, my anticipation goes beyond that.  

God has put something in my heart the last few days that is a supernatural word of The Holy Spirit.  It is being confirmed by several people who I trust in the body of Christ.  Some have called me the last few days with the exact same word.  “Debbie, this is a turning point for you.”  I already knew that and have been telling my church that.  Then, as the calls of confirmation continued to pour in, I have realized that The Holy Spirit really wants me to get it and join Him in faith.  

There are pivotal moments in our lives and ministries.  There are marking points, much like the children of Israel had as they built monuments to moments when God brought great deliverance and manifested Himself in special ways.  This will be one of those.  

I have been privileged to experience so many wonderful things in God.  How many people have been able to go into forty nations, some of them repeated times, and see God’s people healed and restored?  I even witnessed a lady who had been dead, raised from the dead.  What a wonderful, powerful, big God, we serve!  I have seen blind eyes open, deaf ears open, cancer leave people, babies healed who were dying, and more.  We have had crusades of up to multiple thousands of people and still gone to the smallest of churches when God said “Go”.  I have had services where the power of God fell in such a way that I could not preach and everyone was on their face on the floor.  In other meetings, there was such joy, running, shouting, crying, that the sound was greater than any wild party.  I have been going back over video footage in preparation for these meetings.  I was reminded of so many wonderful moments, alter calls where countless people are coming to Christ, a man in Cambodia who was forced by the communists to kill his own family and later sent to prison himself, being healed up and receiving great joy, underground services in Vietnam that resulted in me being interrogated by the communists for three and one half hours, and much more.  I also saw pictures where the devil tried to take my life through a massive saddle pulmonary embolism and doctors said that I had no chance to live through it. Later they said that even though I lived, I would never preach again and be on oxygen the rest of my life.  The devil is a liar.  We are fulfilling our call to the northwest and the world.  I have seen Alaskan villages set ablaze and dead churches resurrected.  I have had the privilege of teaching in Bible schools all over the world and seeing people set on fire and run to the nations themselves.  Again, what a privilege!!  Yet, some of our most incredible meetings have never been filmed.  They will be etched in my heart and mind forever.  

With all of that, I have had times of great battles to overcome.  Some of them have been due to my own failures.  We all have great regrets and wish we could do things over again.  In those moments you have two choices.  You can feel sorry for yourself, or beat yourself up (I have done both), and quit.  The other choice is to repent, recieve fresh vision, and run again.  I have chosen to overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony.  I shall finish my race and hear “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”  This is a celebration of all of that.  I want as many here to help me celebrate, as possible.  

Yet, the anticipation goes beyond that.  The time is short.  If you read my previous blog about taking our country back, you will understand where I am coming from.  The hour is late, the country and our constitution is hanging by a thread,  and Jesus is coming for His church.  Yet, He is coming for a harvest of souls from every country and every tribe.  He is expecting His church to finish in victory and glory.  He does not want us to become weary in well-doing.  Some of us have received health diagnoses, or other news that is not too up-lifting.  I won’t settle for that.   It’s time for restoration, fresh vision, fresh gifting, focus, healing, and running with holy fire.  That’s what this meeting is all about.

As I finished the previous paragraph, my key-note speaker, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen, from San Diego, Ca., called to discuss the meetings.  He said, “Debbie, I have such anticipation for these meetings.  They are a turning point to see the body of Christ mobilized and giftings restored.  See what I mean about the confirmations?  I hadn’t talked to him since I invited him to come, months ago.  God is up to something big.  Don’t miss it.